Friday, May 29, 2015

May 28

Today we visited with an old classmate of mine from high school. He lives in a quiet little valley under the Prague Semmering Railway Line. This viaduct is just a couple of blocks from his house.

He has a small company making ready to eat snacks, sandwiches, cheese snacks, fried cheese, utopence (pickled sausages), pickled herring and other very tasty things. He and his wife took us to a typical Czech pub for some excellent beer and some live Czech country and western music. The group was pretty good for a bunch of old guys just sitting around the table, playing music.

As a parting gift, my friend gave us a box of excellent pickled herring

and a box of open faced sandwiches

It was fun getting it home on two buses and a metro train.

The reason that we had to use transit to get home is because Czech Republic has a zero tolerance for drinking and driving and the consequences of being caught with any level of blood alcohol are staggering. People simply don't drink when they have to drive and don't drive when they had a beer. This does not seem to be an issue as the transit system here is really good and you can get to places faster than driving.

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